Queries and Options

Prints result of queries

Matching Objects from Get and Describing


Match Resources with Queries when Getting or Describing them.

Resource Config By kustomization.yaml

Get all Resources provided by the kustomization.yaml in project/.

kubectl get -k project/

Resource Config By Dir

Get all Resources present in the Resource Config for a directory.

kubectl get -f configs/

Resource Types

Get all Resources in a namespace for a given type.

The Group and Version for the Resource are determined by the apiserver discovery service.

The Singular, Plural, Short Name also apply to Types with Name and Types with Selectors.

# Plural
kubectl get deployments
# Singular
kubectl get deployment
# Short name
kubectl get deploy

Resource Types with Group / Version

Get all Resources in a namespace for a given type.

The Group and Version for the Resource are explicit.

kubectl get deployments.apps
kubectl get deployments.v1.apps

Resource Types with Name

Get named Resources in a namespace for a given type.

kubectl get deployment nginx

Label Selector

Get all Resources in a namespace matching a label select for a given type.

kubectl get deployments -l app=nginx


By default Get and Describe will fetch resource in the default namespace or the namespace specified with --namespace.

The --all-namespaces flag will fetch Resources from all namespaces.

kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces

List multiple Resource types

Get and Describe can accept multiple Resource types, and it will print them both in separate sections.

kubectl get deployments,services

List multiple Resource types by name

Get and Describe can accept multiple Resource types and names.

kubectl get rc/web service/frontend pods/web-pod-13je7

Not Found

By default, Get or Describe will return an error if an object is requested and doesn’t exist. The --ignore-not-found flag will cause kubectl to exit 0 if the Resource is not found

kubectl get deployment nginx --ignore-not-found

Last modified September 30, 2020: SIG CLI docs - guide changes (d705a6d)